This was the picture I submitted for my Levitation project. I took it by taking a picture of the background then having my little sister lay down on a stool so I could later remove it with photoshop to make it look like she was levitating. It was one of my favorites because it was simple and fun to do. Something I would do to make it better would be to get the lighting right so that there wouldn't be sunlight streaks overlapping.
This was one of the picture that I took for my Forced Perspective project. I had my sister sit on a stool far from the ball decoration and put my camera at an angle that made it seem like my sister was sitting on the decoration. It was one of my favorites because I really liked how the background came out and how my sister posed. I would try to make the camera focus evenly on my sister and the ball to make the picture better.
This was my picture for the High Shutter Speed project. I had my brother toss water balloons into this clear plastic bin so I could capture the moment when all the water came out splashing. This was one of my favorites because it was fun and there was many tries to perfect it. Something I would do different to make this picture better is move the bin where the sunlight hit more so we could see the water droplets clearly and better.